Disclaimer: SAS has the right to revoke any membership at any time due to any findings violating these terms and conditions or Code of Ethics.
By joining SAS, I agree to abide by SAS identity, vision, mission and bylaws (refer to the bylaw packet) in addition to the membership terms and conditions and the code of ethics stated in this document:
SAS Identity
Swaida American Society (hereafter referred to as SAS or Society) is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, non-religious organization of the United States’ community residents with connections to the Swaida region in Syria.
SAS Vision
Bringing together the larger Swaida family in the US to cherish our heritage, enrich our new home, and give back to our countries of origin.
SAS Mission
We aim to bond our community by preserving our traditions of close-knit, diverse community.
By coming together, we desire to empower our members and enrich our communities through professional collaborations and social entrepreneurship.
Together, our opportunity to volunteer, and ability to give back will have a greater impact on our US community and country of origin.
SAS Membership Categories Terms and Conditions
I. SAS Friends
1. This is a free membership status to recognize friends and supporters who identify with SAS vision and mission regardless of their background.
2. Members in the SAS Friends category are:
a. Welcomed in any social activity organized by SAS as an integral part of its community.
b. Can benefit from SAS services, and volunteer in any project of the organization.
II. SAS Paid Members (Individual Youth, Individual Adult, and Family
3. This is a paid membership status for U.S. citizens (regardless of their current location) and U.S. residents, who are the descendants of the region of Swaida, Syria, their families, or those directly affiliated with it through prior residence, business, and other affiliations subject to approval by Membership Committee.
4. Members:
a. Are welcomed in any social activity organized by SAS
b. Can benefit from any service offered by the organization
c. Encouraged to volunteer in projects, and
Disclaimer: SAS has the right to revoke any membership at any time due to any findings violating these terms and conditions or Code of Ethics.
c. Encouraged to volunteer in projects, and
5. Paid members can choose to join as Lifetime Members and/or as a family defined as a couple along with children under 18 years old when applicable. Lifetime family membership includes parents and children as long as they are under the age 18.
6. Membership dues shall be stated in the Membership Application Form and in the Policies and Standard Operating Procedures.
7. Paid members in good standing for more than 60 days from elections dates are eligible to vote, nominate and run for an office.
8. Paid members in good standing who demonstrate active participation in committees for two month or more based on committees’ minutes are eligible to join the Board of Trustees. BOT members retain their voting rights on BOT matters as long as they maintain paid membership good standing and ongoing activity in committees.
Code Of Ethics
9. SAS is nonpolitical and nonreligious organization and any activity that contradict with this definition is prohibited
10.Members shall refrain from any public activity under the name of the Society that violate these bylaws.
11.Members must be loyal to SAS vision and mission, and committed to SAS collective decisions under these bylaws even if it is contrary to their personal opinion.
12.Members must accept the principles of criticism, transparency and solidarity in the work.
13.Members actions with SAS must be for community service, and not for personal appearance or self-benefit, and they should act accordingly as role models in the community.
14.Members must be trustworthy and preserve the privacy and plans of the Society during and after the term of his membership if they decided to withdraw.